Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Morning Weigh In

My mid-week weigh in was this morning and after all the worrying I did about this past weekend, my weigh in was successful.  I am down another .4 pounds.  Puts me at 198.3 and a grand total of 12 lbs since the end of January.  My BMI is down to 31.04 and I am almost out of the Obese range and just into the Overweight category.

My mom thinks I'm crazy (and to be honest, I feel that way a little too), for putting this out for the world to see, but I think its helping.  Being accountable to a lot of people is better than being accountable to just one.  I'm not counting my husband because as much as he wants this for me, he does enable my bad eating.  He just wants me to be happy and there is nothing wrong with that.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ahh The Weekend!!

Most people love the weekends.  I am probably one of the few that don't, specifically because of my diet.  It is harder to stick to my diet on the weekends than it is during the week.  Having all day to be in my house surrounded by the food in my house is hard.  I try to avoid having my favorite junk foods in the house, but sometimes, I cave and I buy it or ask my husband to get it for me.  Half a tub of Top the Tater later, and I am disgusted that I allowed myself to go that far.  (**Reminder to discuss with husband to NOT buy the stuff when I ask for it.)

I'm a little worried that my diet/lifestyle change is affecting my 6 year old.  Example: Eating dinner today, she asked if I had weighed my portion of cheesy potatoes.  She wants to make sure mommy stays on track (with my weight loss).  At this point, she hasn't asked me to weigh her food or seems too worried about herself and is concentrating on me, which is good.  She is asking about healthy snacks vs unhealthy snacks, but will still eat the "unhealthy" snacks.  So maybe its not that bad.  

Food this weekend did consist of smoked beef roast and cheesy potatoes.  I did measure out 1 cup (which is a portion) and did not eat all of it.  I did cave on Saturday and eat TOT (Top the Tater) and chips, but most of the day I did good.  Sunday was another good day, in fact for an evening snack, I made myself a protein shake AND I'm making Hard-Boiled Eggs to take to work for Snacks/Lunch with Applesauce.

We shall see tomorrow how this weekend really went with my Monday mid-week weigh in.

'til tomorrow.  :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Lunch Fridays

Hello again!

I love Fridays.  I do, but one a month my job has a corporate lunch meeting. They provide the lunch, free, and then we get talked to about what is going on.  Varies from things like RFPs in progress, changes in employees, and overall status of the company.  Great info, but makes it hard to stick to my portion sizes.  I can't bring my scale and start weighing my food.  Also, my food track app has a lot of the national food companies like pizza hut and such, but a lot of the local small restaurants aren't in there, so estimating my calories becomes a challenge. On top of that, there is usually cake, ice cream and/or cupcakes for dessert.  I have a major sweet tooth, so avoiding these is hard.

I did good on my order, when with a roast beef sandwich, no mayo, but when the sandwich arrived it was HUGE and I only ordered 1/2 sandwich.  What do I do in situations like that, I eat until I am just not hungry.  I make sure I try and eat slow and pay attention to when I'm not hungry.

I have also been successful (to this point) at avoiding the birthday cake.  May have something to do with my Woodland Fusion Chocolate Carmel Peanut shake I had for breakfast.  Thing tastes like you are drinking a Snickers bar.  It's great and a great way to get my chocolate fix.

Tonight is a dinner out with friends, another challenge and the weekend.  I always have problems sticking to portions and eating right during the weekends.  The weekdays are much better for me.  It helps when I don't have any of the good junk food in the house.  Unfortunatley right now there are Potato Chips and Top the Tater left over from my splurge day yesterday....hmm....unless my husband decides to snack on them while waiting for me to come home...I can only hope.  :)

Not sure I will post over the weekend, so if I don't stay tuned for my next weigh in on Monday.  Hopefully it will be a good one!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Weigh In Day

Today is my first weigh in since I started the blog.  And what a good weigh in it was.  I have lost 2.4 lbs and brought my BMI down .4.  I am now under 200 and would like to keep it that way.

The best thing about all of this is that over this week, I have not felt like I missed out on anything.  I even had ice cream for dessert last night (Schwan's Chocolate Marshmellow).  It was supposed to be only 1/2 cup, but I let my dear husband scoop it and it was probably closer to 3/4 cup.  Oh well it tasted good.

Today is my "Fun Food Day" where I can eat whatever I want.  Now I could stick to the program and eat the correct portion sizes, but what fun is that.  1/2 Sirloin Steak with Potato Chips and Top the Tater....her I come.

I notice I don't have any followers yet, but that's ok.  I did post this to Facebook and have gotten a lot of positive and encouraging comments.  My friend Amy is thinking of joining me on this journey.  Yeah!!

April 1st is right around the corner and I am registering for my 1st 5K on Mother's Day.  Plan on walking/jogging with Jami as she is pregnant and won't be running.  Don't think I could run that at this point anyway.

Progress tracked.  Positive attitude in place. Here comes the weekend when I have the most trouble with staying on program.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My First Blog

I am a 32 year old woman who has one child and is married.  I weigh more now that I ever did in my life, even when I was pregnant.  I never considered my self fat, overweight and out of shape, yes but never fat.  I was folding my laundry one day in January and looked at my underwear and thought "Is my butt really this big?"  I knew it was time for a change.

My WII Fit game tells me that my ideal weight is 142.  That is my long term (1 year goal). My 1st short term goal is to be at 180 (20 lbs) by Summer Dress Code at work (Memorial Day).

My friend Jami has had a lot of luck with losing weight after her pregnancies and asked for her help.  We spent an evening discussing what she did each time and tailored that to me.  My goal....2lbs a week.  At the end of January I was 210 lbs.  my 1st weigh in (I do two a week) was the following Monday, I was down 3 3 days!  I was off to a great start, but then I faltered.  I yo-yo'd for a while and have started this blog in a renewed spirit of weight loss.  Maybe having strangers read my progress will help me stay on track?? 

Here is the plan as discussed with Jami:
Exercise 30min straight 3 times a week (anything else is extra)
Watch portion size
Drink lots of water
NO Fast Food (Subway is ok, depending on the sandwich)
Drinking is OK (because I rarely drink so one won't put me to far back)
Should be eating about 1500 calories a day to lose weight
Weigh in on Monday and Thursday Mornings

Based on the schedule from when I started in January, I should be at 196 this Thursday.  Doubt that is going to happen as Monday I weighed in at 200.7lbs.

Weigh in is tomorrow at 7am.  Wish me luck!