Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ahh The Weekend!!

Most people love the weekends.  I am probably one of the few that don't, specifically because of my diet.  It is harder to stick to my diet on the weekends than it is during the week.  Having all day to be in my house surrounded by the food in my house is hard.  I try to avoid having my favorite junk foods in the house, but sometimes, I cave and I buy it or ask my husband to get it for me.  Half a tub of Top the Tater later, and I am disgusted that I allowed myself to go that far.  (**Reminder to discuss with husband to NOT buy the stuff when I ask for it.)

I'm a little worried that my diet/lifestyle change is affecting my 6 year old.  Example: Eating dinner today, she asked if I had weighed my portion of cheesy potatoes.  She wants to make sure mommy stays on track (with my weight loss).  At this point, she hasn't asked me to weigh her food or seems too worried about herself and is concentrating on me, which is good.  She is asking about healthy snacks vs unhealthy snacks, but will still eat the "unhealthy" snacks.  So maybe its not that bad.  

Food this weekend did consist of smoked beef roast and cheesy potatoes.  I did measure out 1 cup (which is a portion) and did not eat all of it.  I did cave on Saturday and eat TOT (Top the Tater) and chips, but most of the day I did good.  Sunday was another good day, in fact for an evening snack, I made myself a protein shake AND I'm making Hard-Boiled Eggs to take to work for Snacks/Lunch with Applesauce.

We shall see tomorrow how this weekend really went with my Monday mid-week weigh in.

'til tomorrow.  :)

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